Hello. Nice to meet you.
I’m Mirna Fox, Founder and Head Garden Coach at BEAU Gardens.
I am your go-to expert on all things edible gardening, and your visionary for creating the garden of your dreams! My hope is that, by working together I can infuse your life with a growing passion and appreciation for edible gardening, good quality, delicious food, and a vital need to reconnect to nature in our own back - or front! - yards.
Through my many years of experimenting and learning about growing food, I have discovered a unique way to live in synchronicity with nature and to invite that connection into our lives through the simple act of planting a seed. It’s a gift that is available to all of us, even in the smallest of spaces, and one that I love to share with my clients, and the little people in our lives.
I absolutely can’t wait to meet you in your outdoor space to start planning your dream edible garden!